Chiropractic Treatments
Chiropractic is a healing discipline firmly grounded in science that is concerned with the care of the entire body. Chiropractors use various diagnostic methods to discover the state of your health, paying particular attention to your spine and bone structure. Spinal manipulation and other manual adjustments are their primary methods of helping your body heal. However, our chiropractors are also trained in various forms of soft-tissue therapy.
Chiropractors provide care for patients of all ages with a range of acute and chronic
conditions. As well as advice about self help, exercise, diet and lifestyle, chiropractors
often provide support for pain management, sports injuries and active rehabilitation.
The word chiropractic comes from a combination of the Greek words "chiro" and "praktikis",
meaning "done by hand". "Treatment by hand" was an accepted form of therapy in ancient
Greece. Hippocrates, who is regarded as the founder of medical inquiry, made the first
recorded references to spinal manipulation.
What to expect on Your First Visit
During the initial visit your chiropractor will take a detailed health history and perform a
physical examination particularly focusing on your spine, joints, muscles, and nervous
system. Other examinations or tests such as x-rays may also be ordered, if needed. If
chiropractic treatment is considered appropriate, a treatment plan will be developed to meet your specific needs by incorporating a variety of treatment techniques which may include: Hands on adjustments - diversified technique, Muscle release techniques,or Drop piece adjustments-“ Thompson technique". If your chiropractor diagnosis a condition that would be appropriately treated or co-treated by another health care professional, he or she will make the appropriate referral.
Follow up visits
During follow up visits your chiropractor may utilize one or more of the many different kinds of adjustments and manual care techniques used in chiropractic care. Your treatment will often include exercise, diet and other healthy living suggestions.

Meet Our Chiropractors
Dr. Gaelan
Dr. Morgyn