Registered Acupuncture/TCM
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands
of years. TCM practitioners use herbal medicines and various mind and body practices, such as
acupuncture and tai chi, to treat or prevent health problems.
At Tonume Integrated Health, we offer the following methods:
Traditional Diagnosis: In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the practitioner decides on
treatment after visually inspecting, listening, smelling, taking the patient’s pulse, palpating
and questioning the patient.
Acupuncture: In TCM, disease is generally considered to be an imbalance in energy flow (or qi)
and blood. In order to correct this flow, patients are treated by deploying thin needles inserted into
acupuncture points along energy meridians in the body through the skin.
Acupuncture Needles: Usually stainless steel and disposable, the sterile needles
are not much thicker than coarse human hair. Typically, insertion is painless, though
sometimes the patient may feel a jolt of energy released through the needle.
Moxibustion: A burning stick of mugwort (Artemisia argyi) is sometimes used to gently
heat an acupuncture point. It is usually used for health problems originating from a cold
body constitution.
Tuina or Tui Na Massage: Also known as acupressure, this technique uses the bare
hands to stimulate the acupuncture points without using needles.
Gua Sha Therapy: This technique uses a tool such as a spoon to move stagnated
energy, blood, and bodily fluids. It promotes circulation and normalizes metabolic processes.
Cupping Therapy: Glass cups are used to create suction on the skin which improves energy and
blood circulation to the area. In turn, that dispels blood stasis, relieves pain, and sometimes may
draw out excessive fluids.
Dietary Therapy: The art and the way our daily eating habits play a major role during the process
of life and health. Natural food is used in addition to acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment to
help regulate the body functions and increase the effectiveness of the treatments.
Chinese Herbal Therapy: A major component of TCM, to bring the body back into balance, the
practitioner formulates plant products according to each individual's needs.

What is traditional Chinese medicine?
Traditional Chinese medicine encompasses a lifestyle philosophy, nutrition, mind-body exercise and
treatment modalities such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, moxibustion, electrical
acupuncture, gua sha, ear and scalp acupuncture. These components are used individually or together
as preventative medicine or to treat a variety of conditions.
What can acupuncture and Chinese medicine treat?
As a wholistic treatment a wide range of conditions can benefit from acupuncture and/or herbs. pain, infertility, skin, digestive, gynaecological, respiratory, immune function, mental-emotional and more.
How long will it take until I'm cured?
All treatments are personalized therefore the length of time to see results varies according to the following factors
Acute or chronic
Symptoms follow a pattern
Diet and lifestyle, including work and living environment Medications
Other conditions
Typically the shorter the duration, younger and overall healthier a person is the quicker issues will be resolved. As a general guideline 5-10 acupuncture sessions at least once a week to see real benefits. More may be needed, in some cases many months of treatment is needed. For herbal medicine anywhere from a few days to several weeks may be necessary
Are there any contraindications?
Acupuncture is considered safe for most people - caution is needed with bleeding disorders and blood thinning medication. Some points are contraindicated in pregnancy, but overall it is a great treatment during pregnancy. Some herbs interact with certain medications so it is important to inform your practitioner of all medications and supplements
If I'm pregnant or breastfeeding can I get acupuncture or take herbs?
Acupuncture is safe during pregnancy and usually herbs are not necessary during pregnancy. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can help with breastfeeding if there is poor milk production.
What happens during a treatment session?
During the first visit you will be asked to fill out a detailed health history form. Questions will be asked about sleep, mood, digestion, body temperature and more. This may take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. The practitioner will look at your tongue and take your pulse. Then a treatment plan will be determined and acupuncture plus other modalities if required will be given. For herbal medicine a custom formula will be created to address your primary issue. Follow up sessions will include a short check in before the treatment.
How long does a session last?
First session is approximately 80-90 minutes and follow up sessions are 50- 60 minutes. Needles are left in from 15 minutes to 45 minutes.
Meet our Registered Acupuncturists
Dr. Bok
Acupuncturist, DrTCM
Dr. Angela
Acupuncturist, DrTCM
Dr. Karyn
Acupuncturist, DrTCM
Wear loose comfortable clothing
Make sure you are hydrated and have eaten within the last three hours. You don't want to
be overly full or hungry.
Empty your bladder
Avoid wearing scents - many patients are sensitive or allergic to scents.
Use proper hygiene - especially in summer make sure feet are clean
Avoid coffee or alcohol just before treatment.
Schedule appointment with enough time so there is no need to rush before or after
Avoid strenuous activity right before or after.
Turn off cellphone
Relax and enjoy 😊